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Latest SEO test results

    Does showing introductory content on mobile view improve rankings across all devices?
    3 mins read

    Does showing introductory content on mobile view improve rankings across all devices?

    What are H1 Tags? A guide to optimizing H1 Tags to improve your site's organic traffic
    5 mins read

    What are H1 Tags? A guide to optimizing H1 Tags to improve your site's organic traffic

    Does Capitalizing Keywords in Title Tags Improve Click Through Rates?
    2 mins read

    Does Capitalizing Keywords in Title Tags Improve Click Through Rates?

    Testing the Canonical Element
    15 mins read

    Testing the Canonical Element

    Does canonicalising to more specific product pages improve SEO performance?
    2 mins read

    Does canonicalising to more specific product pages improve SEO performance?

    Does removing meta descriptions improve click-through rates?
    2 mins read

    Does removing meta descriptions improve click-through rates?

    Testing the data-nosnippet Attribute
    7 mins read

    Testing the data-nosnippet Attribute

    Does adding the data-nosnippet attribute to specific content increase organic traffic?
    2 mins read

    Does adding the data-nosnippet attribute to specific content increase organic traffic?

    Does pulling specifications into a standalone section improve SEO performance?
    2 mins read

    Does pulling specifications into a standalone section improve SEO performance?