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Posts by Searchpilot Team

    What are H1 Tags? A guide to optimizing H1 Tags to improve your site's organic traffic
    5 mins read

    What are H1 Tags? A guide to optimizing H1 Tags to improve your site's organic traffic

    Does adding localized content impact organic traffic?
    2 mins read

    Does adding localized content impact organic traffic?

    Does adding a question on the cost of a product within the title tag help organic traffic?
    2 mins read

    Does adding a question on the cost of a product within the title tag help organic traffic?

    Will adding AI-generated content to pages improve organic traffic?
    2 mins read

    Will adding AI-generated content to pages improve organic traffic?

    Can rephrasing H2’s into questions help boost organic traffic?
    2 mins read

    Can rephrasing H2’s into questions help boost organic traffic?

    Does appending the brand name and location at the end of the title tag have an impact on organic traffic?
    3 mins read

    Does appending the brand name and location at the end of the title tag have an impact on organic traffic?

    Does upgrading a listings website’s “cards” with more information improve organic traffic?
    3 mins read

    Does upgrading a listings website’s “cards” with more information improve organic traffic?

    Does removing a product carousel improve organic traffic?
    3 mins read

    Does removing a product carousel improve organic traffic?

    Does Changing Introductory Text and H1 Improve Ranking and Conversions?
    2 mins read

    Does Changing Introductory Text and H1 Improve Ranking and Conversions?