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A free tool to help you generate 8 million SEO test ideas

Posted March 22, 2023 by Will Critchlow

As you build out an SEO testing program, one key mindset shift is moving from thinking in terms of “what is the one thing I should change next?” towards “what are the range of changes I should test?”. As you do this, you might worry about running out of test ideas. In general, I don’t think you should worry about that, but to help, we have built out a simple, free, spreadsheet-based tool to help with generating SEO test ideas for titles.

The example is set up for the travel industry, but it is easily modified to work in any vertical. Get started by watching this video and working along in your own copy of the spreadsheet:

SEO test idea generation tool for title tags
Will Critchlow: Hi SEO tool fans.

Instructions for getting started

  1. Take a copy of this workbook (File –> Make a Copy)
  2. Watch the explainer video above and review the purple sheets named EXAMPLE <sheetname>
  3. When you’re ready to do your own analysis, work in the pink sheets, starting with adding your own screaming frog data and ChatGPT Brand Extraction data

Take a copy of this workbook

You can find the workbook here:

8 million test ideas google sheets screenshot


Credit to Craig Bradford for the original idea for this tool and for building v1.

Image credit: Midjourney, prompt: a fractal demonstrating immense scale, using bright colors.

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